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Tina's Vodka is Non-GMO Verified

and made with Organic Corn.

Tina's Vodka is the only Woman Owned Vodka that is

Non-GMO Verified.

FYI: most domestic vodkas are made with GMO-corn that was

sprayed with pesticides like glyphosate.  If they don't state

they're Non-GMO, you can bet they're GMO.  

It's not just vodka, it's your body, give it better than GMOs

and the pesticides that go hand in hand with GMO seeds.

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Why use corn to make vodka?  🤔 

Corn vodka, ahem, non-GMO, organic corn vodka, gives the vodka a much cleaner smell and taste.  It mixes better in cocktails and is naturally gluten free.  Wheat vodkas have a stinging smell and bite to them while potato vodkas have a distinctive potato essence that cuts through cocktails and can be overpowering in martinis or on the rocks.  While you can make vodka out of almost anything, we chose corn because non-GMO organic corn is delicious - grits are made out of corn and being from North Carolina, I grew up enjoying them.  

The breakfast of champions:

 Tina's Bloody Mary with a nice buttery bowl of grits!  You're welcome 🌽

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